Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Halloween Spirit

It really is a shame that I´m stuck in Quito, Ecuador for Halloween. It is one of my favorite holidays and I´ve always enjoyed making elaborate costumes. The last (and best) one I´ve made was Wall-E.
My costume played "Hello Dolly!".
You can´t beat that.
This year (like last year) I´ll probably just watch "The Nightmare Before Christmas" again and eat more sweets than I´m supposed to. Wearing costumes to work or to anything other than a halloween party is strictly banned in Ecuador (so trick-or-treating is out) and I´m really not into going to discos, so I guess another viewing of "Nightmare" will have to do. I could watch "Rocky Horror" but really, that´s not fun if you ain´t wearing slutty clothes, slightly drunk, and in an auditorium full of people who are willing to make fun of the film with you.
But, that being said, here´s some examples of excellent halloween spirit from people who are allowed to celebrate it (aka Americans). I´m not sure if I like "Party Rock Anthem" or "This Is Halloween" better. Tough call. Thoughts?


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