Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Return to Normalcy

It has been a day of re-beginnings and good news. I started to train under the supervision of a Sports Medicine trainer today (I have a dual goal of losing some weight and also getting fit enough to be able to fence competitively again) and it went rather well. My ankle didn´t bother me, which is huge progress and the doctor said that I could start basic fencing training within a week if my ankle and fitness proved strong enough. Yay! Mind you, I still have to train with the trainer but I can also start practicing some fencing on the side. Which is awesome awesome awesome. I´m thinking that if all goes well, I might actually be able to compete and place well in the Ecuador Grand Prix that is happening in late July/Early August.
The second good piece of news is that if my health is back up to normal standards, all of my food and drink restrictions are gone and I can lead a normal life again. Weeee!
The third re-beginning is that I´m starting to look for jobs again. My gig at the Ad Production Agency will be up this Thursday and while I have high hopes of being re-hired for another project, I think it is only practical and sensible to start looking for other gigs that might come up. I´m thinking that I might look into other ad agencies maybe and just hire myself out as a freelance 2nd AD for the rest of the summer. Although, again, I´m hopeful my current employer will re-hire me for the next project they have.
Fourth re-beginning is that this morning I secured a spot in Module 5 (Advanced Chinese) at the local Confucius Institute. I´m going to start taking some Saturday lessons to get a bit of a refresher on my Chinese and keep up the practice.
I´ve also been looking into other alternatives of what I can do in the summer or shortly afterwards. One that caught my eye today was a 21-day intense Flight School out in Wichita, Kansas. I think I might seriously consider it since I´ve always wanted to learn how to fly and it seems like a good idea. Plus. It is in Wichita and I would definitely love the chance to go back and visit my birthplace.

1 comment:

  1. I know some places you could practice flying to. Also, you will take me with you to them, right?
