Monday, September 20, 2010

Musings on a First Day

I'm back in NYC for the moment, and it is 8:47 am. I don't have much time before I have to go into the shower and then fix myself up to look professional before heading off for my shift. Yeah. It is my first official day of real work of sorts. Oh, I didn't get a job per se...I'm volunteering at a film festival/market here in New York City and there's a bunch of industry people around so we were carefully instructed to look professional and act professionally. I didn't give it much thought until this morning that it actually feels like a real job and now I'm kind of nervous to tell you the truth. Not because I can't do it. Quite on the contrary...I've been professional before to great is more about having to do it for a 6-hour shift. All the jobs I've had I've basically gotten at places where my parents have friends on staff so I already knew someone and felt at ease. This is a completely new experience, where I have to impress everyone because nobody knows me. In proper business clothes (which aren't the most comfortable thing on the planet I think). Scary. Very scary.
On other notes, I've been back up in the town where my college is (up in the middle of the scenic Hudson Valley) visiting some friends who are still at college, J (from Pinapple Tacos) and my best friend N (who I've mentioned quite a few times in this blog). It was an incredibly eventful, dramatic, complicated, but ultimately satisfying trip I think. There were a lot of things that needed airing that got aired and I was finally able to really let go of some baggage I've been carrying about for a while. It feels fantastically liberating. But it was good to see J and N and some of my old professors. I got a slew of compliments from my professors (they all think I'm very brave, doing well...taking all the risks...haha...I don't know. I don't feel brave. I just feel like I'm doing what I need to be doing. I feel like I'm doing the right thing to do for me at the moment) and cooked Squash Dumplings (饺子) with my friend Si Si. J and I went to the pub one night and watched Cowboy Beebop while taking the leafs off dry mint stems in the company of his roommate (who is also really awesome). I went on long walks in the woods with N and had a Batman marathon (yes, we watched some Adam West Batman...oh God....) and stayed up all night talking.
Right now I am at M's house. Musing. Musing at M's house...haha.
It is good to see old friends. It is always good to think about them.

1 comment:

  1. In case it wasn't clear from this post, E didn't actually make it through the marathon. She fell asleep in the middle of "Batman Begins", and never made it to "The Dark Knight".

    In other news, behold the wonders of my comic:

