Thursday, February 3, 2011

Some cool stuff coming out of the MIT Media Lab

So I was looking at the MIT Media Lab website (yet again) to read up on what´s going on at the Camera Culture research group (because if I want to apply in the near future, I figure I should know and understand all the details about what is being done there) and I came across a few press releases about what is being developed at the lab and thought that I´d post the links here because they´re actually pretty cool stuff:

(1) Albeit (as the article points out) somewhat useless considering the widespread accessibility to weather forecasts in a computer or pda or iphone or whatever, a toothbrush that tells you what the weather is going to be like today is sort of creative and awesome (especially since it will tell you what the weather is by dispensing different flavors of toothpaste. i.e. if you get mint, it will be colder than yesterday).

(29) Holographic displays! If I go to the Media Lab, I would probably want to be working on this sort of technology. Maybe helping to develop holographic film cameras? That experience would be pretty amazing! Anyways, the Star Wars geek in me wholeheartedly approves trying to reproduce Princess Leia´s hologram (in R2D2) as a demonstration for the currently available technology.


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