Friday, February 11, 2011

Films to Keep an Eye on this Year: E's 2011 Must Watch List

So, usually around this time (shortly before Oscar season) I make a mental note about what films are coming out this year that I should watch. Some I put on my "watch in Ecuador" list and some in "I will watch this no matter where I am". The difference is mainly that these are all films I want to watch at the movie theater but that the ones I'm willing to watch in Ecuador, I am not necessarily prepared to pay a full $12 movie ticket for anywhere else. But this year, I've just decided to consolidate the whole thing and share the general list of films I will be watching this year with you. So here goes (in order of release date):

(1) The Other Woman - February 14
A small film starring the brilliant Natalie Portman as Emilia Greenleaf who married a guy she started seeing while he was still married to his now ex-wife played by Lisa Kudrow. Emilia has a baby with her husband but the baby dies and the rest of the movie is about how she deals with the loss of the baby and starts to forge a relationship with her husband's son from his previous marriage.

(2) I Am Number Four - February 18
A science-fiction film about a group of aliens that escape the destruction of their home planet and hide on Earth from another alien race that seeks to destroy them. They are assigned numbers and can only be killed in sequence. At the beginning of the film, One, Two, and Three have already been killed and so they are coming for Number Four. Looks better than it sounds!

(3) The Adjustment Bureau - March 4
Another Sci-Fi flick coming up soon. This one is based on a short story by Philip K. Dick (one of my favorite Sci-Fi writers) who also wrote Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (made into the very upsetting Blade Runner) and the short story on which Minority Report is based off of. It looks to be a pretty good film overall. Unlike Blade Runner.

(4) Happythankyoumoreplease - March 4
The directorial debut of How I Met your Mother actor Josh Radnor. Looks like your typical Garden State-like indie fare. I watched the trailer, and it looked pretty good to watch when I'm feeling a little pensive on life and whatnot. Probably not a masterpiece of cinematic art but nonetheless something worth seeing this year I think.

(5) Paul - March 18
To be honest, I don't know why I want to watch this. But I saw the trailer and it looked really funny. Also I like aliens. Have you noticed that? Anyways, this is about a group of UFO-buffs that go visit Area 51 and stumble upon an alien grey that calls himself Paul who has just escaped from the compound. Hilarity ensues. Think E.T meets The Hangover. Ha. Again, don't know why I'm intrigued by this.

(6) Sucker Punch - March 25
Being billed as the female version of 300, I'm sort of intrigued by this. Mostly because the main cast is all-female and is shown kicking tons of butt. A bit of a Hollywood first. A female action flick? Brilliant. On the other hand, they're all dressed up in some sort of representation of a male fantasy (schoolgirl, nurse, soldier, whatever...). Tons of potential for cinematic analysis on male voyeurism! And also a chance to see strong women kick butt.

(7) Your Highness - April 8
Yet again another Hangover-style film. I wouldn't give this much thought if it weren't for the fact that Natalie Portman and James Franco are both in it. Natalie Portman doing a sort of stoner comedy...brilliant! And the trailer actually looks funny. Expect it to be really campy though!

(8) Scream 4 - April 15
I must admit I liked Scream 1, but didn't take too kindly to the second or third sequels. I hear that the 4th is a return to the essence of 1 so I'm willing to give it a try.

(9) Bridesmaids - May 13
Looks a bit like the female version of The Hangover which is a concept that intrigues me. How will they handle the set of characters? Also looks like a bit of a good laugh to be honest!

(10) Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - May 20
I admit I cannot get enough of the amazing Captain Jack Sparrow. And will the Elizabeth/Will storyline gone, I'm intrigued as to what they've cooked up for our favorite film pirate.

(11) The Tree of Life - May 27
From IMDB: Follow Jack O'Brien from his upbringing in the 1950's Midwest, through his complicated relationship with his father (Pitt), to his adult life in the modern world, as he seeks answers to the origins and meaning of life.

(12) X-Men: First Class - June 3
A prequel that focuses on Prof. X and Magneto's friendship and falling out before they were Prof. X and Magneto. Check out trailer in previous post.

(12) Super 8 - June 10
Have you seen the trailer for this thing? Nobody knows exactly what it is about. Except that it involves an alien entity en route from Area 51 to a facility in Ohio breaking free from captivity. But it is J.J. Abrams's work. And J.J. Abrams is brilliant (any Fringe fans around here? Or Lost for that matter?)

(13) One Day - July 8
A love story between Dex and Em that spans a few decades. A really really beautiful book, hoping it will be a beautiful movie too.

(14) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - July 15
I definitely am looking forward to seeing how they conclude the whole film franchise. I really really liked Deathly Hallows Part 1 as it really captured the essence of that first part of the book

(15) Cowboys and Aliens - July 29
This movie has a ridiculous premise. But it has a ridiculous premise that has me intrigued. And it has Harrison Ford. As a cowboy. I want to see Harrison Ford kick some alien ass in a cowboy hat...oh wait. Wasn't that Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull? (Let's pretend that film never happened...).

(16) Real Steel - October 7
I met the guy who wrote this (Vassar alum!). From what he mentioned at the panel, it sounded pretty awesome. Robot fights? Hugh Jackman? Produced by Spielberg? Yeah. I'm there.

Unknown release dates:

Sin Otoño, Sin Primavera - unknown
So this is the film I'm taking to Hong Kong Filmart. I've only seen an extended trailer (and read the script) but it looks really promising. The director describes it as a "Punk Ballad" with a feel of Wong Kar-Wai's Chungking Express. Only in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Reason it lacks a release date is because I have to go out and get a distributor to buy it and release it outside of the country. But when I do (and I will), I recommend that go and see it. It really is a refreshing view on Latin American contemporary life.

El Pescador - unknown
So I also worked on this....the first time around. Unlike the previous film, it is your typical Latin American fare, but it is really good nonetheless. Also, it is directed by Ecuador's prime film director Sebastián Cordero. Expect some pretty brutal scenes, but some excellent storytelling.

*note: I might update this as I go along and post any new films that might be coming out. Release dates are consistently fluctuating so...


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