Friday, February 4, 2011

Why Wasn't This Around a Year Ago?

I found a Film School Thesis Generator!

Here are some of the gems it came up with:

(1) Through the political use of voiceover, Star Wars unpacks the fascist aesthetic.

(2) Raise the Red Lantern hybridizes the major pillars of post-feminism through its use of mise-en-scene.

(3) Through the juxtaposition of poverty and nature, seven samurai demystifies socioeconomic ambivalence in American society.

(4) Through the juxtaposition of poverty and nature, Hero demystifies pre-Oedipal guilt.

(5) Inception masks the disavowal of the female lack through its fluid identification of the viewer.

(6) Casablanca exposes male fears of castration through its fluid identification of the viewer.

(7) The conflicting duality of progress and humanity in City of God delegitimizes established notions of the star system.

(8) The Matrix exposes the plight of the migrant worker in post-war America through its prevalance of foreground obstructions.

(9) Pan's Labyrinth unravels order and chaos through its conflicting duality of progress and humanity.

(10) The collapsing of identity and whiteness in Batman Begins masks scopophilic tendencies of the viewer.

(11) Toy Story demystifies the rise of currency and the loss of utopia through its use of subversive semiotics.

(12) The prevalance of foreground obstructions in Wall-E reduces the canonical status of the post-war crisis of masculinity.

(13) Through the fluid identification of the viewer, The Lord of the Rings reminds the spectator of colonial attitudes toward race.

Oh film school! Everything was a crisis of masculinity....hehe.


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