Monday, November 29, 2010

Playlist Three

So, it's been a long time coming. Here's playlist three. It is mostly stuff I have on the playlist for my script and that I'm hoping I can incorporate into the soundtrack (long shot, but whatever).

(1) Boy with a Coin (Iron & Wine): Has a slightly different feel than most of Iron & Wine's songs. I'm a big Iron & Wine fan, but I like Boy with a Coin because it has this sense of traveling somewhere, leaving something behind, and being nostalgic about it.

(2) Nature Boy (Nat King Cole): Love, love, love the lyrics. Also, love Nat King Cole.

(3) Headlights Look Like Diamonds (Arcade Fire): I have this over a montage of different places in the city as two of my characters drive around in their car. I think it just really captures the different feelings you get within one urban space.

(4) New Star Killer (David Bowie): N has been getting me into Bowie lately. And the intro to this song is simply amazing and epic. But so is Bowie.

(5) Violet Hill (Coldplay): Also really like the lyrics. It is somewhat tragic but beautiful at the same time. I love the opening line "It was a long and dark December, from the rooftops I remember there was snow, white snow". Also, N hates it, and yes, in the context of musical history it isn't fantastic, but I LIKE IT: the little guitar solo at 2:13 is pretty awesome. Maybe because I can actually play it on the guitar....o_o.

(6) Dancing Cheek to Cheek (Nat King Cole): Again, who can hate Nat King Cole? I've been practicing my swing dance moves to this one when I need something a little more mellow.

(7) Four Cigarettes (Malcolm Middleton): N sent this one to me. Right up my alley. Haha. Mellow, slightly depressing, but beautifully haunting. :D

(8) Zoot Suit Riot (Cherry Poppin' Daddies): SWING DANCE! YES!

(9) Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games (Of Montreal): Okay. So I technically don't own the song. I own the video. Which is AWESOME and slightly disturbing. Like the song itself, it is apparently cheerful, but pretty dark. :D

(10) In The Backseat (Arcade Fire): Hmm. I like the the escalation for this piece. And I like the tone it sets. A sort of nostalgic advancing, a nostalgic journey...


(11) Hoppipolla (Sigur Rós): Hoppipolla means hopping in puddles or something like that. The song is absurdly cheerful and hopeful. Perfect note to end a film on!

(12) Sing, Sing, Sing (the BBC Big Band Orchestra): MORE SWING DANCE!

1 comment:

  1. Quality music. It's "New Killer Star", though, not "New Star Killer". The climax of "In the Backseat" is a truly magnificent thing, and couldn't make a better ending for Funerals. Also Nat King Cole is one of those singers who makes me love a genre I'm not normally all that crazy about, and "Nature Boy" is especially rad.

    However you profane the very art of the guitar solo by praising that sad, sad piece of work in "Violet Hill".
