Monday, November 29, 2010

Serious Work (Sort of)

So I decided that I really need to make something of myself so I'm strapping myself down and making myself finish writing my screenplay by Dec. 1. You see, there's a grant I want to apply to. It is a pretty sweet grant so I really can't miss the opportunity. My own deadline is Dec. 1 so that my editor (N from Everything Will Be Okay) can go through it, butcher it, and return it to me in time to make adjustments and send it off. Today, I've written 10 pages so far but I still need to write another 30 at least I think. It kind of feels like forcing myself to sit down and write my Chinese thesis back around this time last year. Minus the company of N and M. However, in the spirit of honoring SoCo 7 study session tradition, I've prepared myself a pot of Chai tea that is currently sitting next to Darth Vader (my laptop. Just for future reference: My laptop is called Darth Vader, my ipod is Obi-Wan Kenobi, and my iphone is R2D2...guess who is a fan of Star Wars?) and I think that later on during the night, I'll pour myself a glass of red wine to let those creative juices flow. The tea and wine studying technique was developed by my dear friends N and J back in junior year and was used to great success by every inhabitant in SoCo 7. Of course, M added the Margaret Cho YouTube study break. Which is also essential. In that spirit, I have also pulled up a few Margaret Cho videos for when I need to distract myself for a bit.
But besides all the work I need to do in the next few days, I've had a pretty good week business-wise. I got an awesome gig that has me going to Hong Kong (香港) on business in March. I'm also trying to figure out a way to buy a ticket up to Xi'An(西安)to visit NW (Wei Ningqi Does China), but I don't know if I will be able to or not yet. I'm hoping it will work out.
Also, I've been learning how to properly dance the Charleston on my own. It gave me quite a workout today! Planning to keep at it until I have mad Charleston dancing skills! :D
Anyhoo, I should probably stop procrastinating and go to work! Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. You have made me realize one of my life goals was, although I was unaware of it at the time:

    Credit for Youtube study breaks.

    Enjoy your chai, wine, and screenplay!
