Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Proper Description of What I Actually Did in Hong Kong

March 25, 2011 - On My way to Xi'An, China

So I realize that the last post was not very descriptive of what I actually did in Hong Kong.
This is mostly because what I did in Hong Kong revolved around working 20 hours a day trying to make a sale. And while I will not bore you with the details of strategizing for film sales (and also I can't really reveal details of my negociations - that's just bad form), I can give you a description of the few things I did do that did not involve pouring over Hong Kong Filmart's atendee list....

(1) I stayed in two different hotels. This is mostly because the first three nights were being paid by Filmart as part of a sponsorship program and the other two were being paid by me. Because the hotel Filmart put me in was really expensive, I chose to move elsewhere and not fret about paying the $200/night at the Harbor Plaza North Point. To be completely honest, I liked the hotel I picked much much better. I moved to the Cosmo Hotel in Kowloon (the Harbor Plaza is on Hong Kong Island). My room at the Cosmo was smaller but felt a lot cozier and I also had a better view. The staff was way nicer as well. There's also the fact that I actually like the Kowloon district more than the Hong Kong Island district. Kowloon is just as nice as the island, but I feel that it is slightly less westernized as well. And loads cheaper. The hotel was also near to Mongkok and outlets and good food (I ate at an amazing dive a block away from the hotel called "Dumpling King" - guess what I had there?). I mean, I just like the Kowloon vibe a lot more in general...

The view from my hotel room:

(2) I got invited to the Asian Film Awards which is the Asian equivalent of the Oscars. Sort of. They're a big deal. I didn't bring anything black tie with me though, so I spent an entire afternoon scouring Hong Kong in search of a suitable dress. Only to find a $20 one in Bershka when I had been about to give up. The awards were cool. I was having a ball mostly because I was in the same room as Chow Yun-Fat, Zhang Ziyi, and the totally gorgeous Tony Leung Chiu-Wai (note: there are very few actors I will actually swoon over, but Tony Leung Chiu-Wai is definitely one of them. Carina Lau is such a lucky girl...*sigh*). Also, I got to learn about the big films for this year and further strategize for work...I really want to see "Let the Bullets Fly" and "Aftershock". They both look pretty amazing.

(3) I had dinner at the Island Shangri-La in Hong Kong (not the one in Kowloon) at Cafe TOO. I had their buffet. It is the most expensive dinner I've ever had in my life. But also possibly one of the best. Freshly made noodles with vegetables and spicy sauce, and Peking Duck were among my favorites.

(4) The Symphony of Lights over Victoria Harbor (as seen from the Kowloon) in which a bunch of the building ins Hong Kong basically flash their lights in colorful patterns for fifteen minutes every night at 8 pm.


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