Thursday, December 2, 2010

First Draft

I finally finished the first draft of my screenplay! I must say, I'm proud of myself. I wrote 94 of its 144 pages in the past two and a half days. Guess I can really get things done when I'm motivated. I'm actually really proud of it. I mean, it needs tons of work, but the main idea is there and solid and the characters and the dialogue are good. I'm extremely self-critical of my own writing, so for me to thing it is actually a good solid base is a good sign. I think.
This is the fourth full-length screenplay I've written, and also the longest. The other three are two screenplays I wrote in Dramatic Writing and Screenplay classes respectively and my Chinese major senior project which was a screenplay adaptation of Jorge Luis Borges's short story "The Garden of Forking Paths" (which I am kind of obsessed with) completely written in Mandarin Chinese. It was a full-length screenplay too (long enough to sustain a 80-minute film had it been made).
Anyhoo, my new screenplay is in the hands of N now, who I trust will rip it to shreds in editing so that I can rebuild it so it can be even better!
I'm so happy! :D

P.S. Also yesterday I got a sort-of job offer for a short filming gig from a former HS classmate of mine. Woot!


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