Sunday, December 12, 2010

So I'm not nuts (and that's good to know)

M kindly sent me the link to a really interesting and incredible article in the New York Times about half an hour ago. It is about young entrepreneurs, who like myself, gave the economic depression the finger and started their own companies. My own personal LLC for films is still sort of just a bunch of business cards on my desk, a website, and a registered company in New Mexico. We have yet to actually get a Tax ID number (should get on that soon actually) or really actually hire anyone else other than myself. Or transact business. We're on our way though. And I hope that we'll be able to get more stuff moving soon.
The funny thing is, I kind of never really envisioned myself as an entrepreneur. Risky and strange world - business is just something that always felt so alien to me. That is until an old high school classmate of mine suggested that I join in to form a production company with him and a friend of his to have a structure to make a film. That eventually fell through, but my company was sort of born from that idea. I taught myself business and how to make business plans with help from my uncle Leo and aunt Sole and my dad. Add some visits to film markets, and greater understanding of the business of film and voilá! I'm kind of an informed businesswoman. I mean. I feel capable.
That feeling was recently validated when I
took a serious business venture proposal to a few filmmakers and I completely nailed it. I'm going to Hong Kong as a sales agent for a local film. Highly lucrative contract if I can actually sell the rights to the film to territories. But why shouldn't I be able to? I know this stuff. I know who I'm selling to. The sales agent thing is a step though. A step to a greater goal of getting financial independence that will allow me to start looking for investors for my own projects.
At least that's what I hope happens. Hehe.
Nobody knows.


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