Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Playlist One

So, I've decided to have a playlist post every so often of the songs I'm currently listening to. I just listen to an eclectic variety of music, so I thought I'd share. It changes a lot with my mood and with what I'm doing since I usually listen to music when I'm working or trying to write. So here goes!

Playlist One:
(1) "Time" (Hans Zimmer) from the Inception soundtrack - So I haven't actually seen Inception yet, but I'm really dying to see it. It won't be out here in Quito for another 2 or 3 weeks, so that's a little irritating. Anyways, the track itself is great for when I'm writing and I actually used it for when I was meditating yesterday. It is sort of uplifting but with some nostalgic undertones. Right up my alley.

(2) "Death is the Road to Awe" (Clint Mansell) from The Fountain soundtrack. - I really enjoy Clint Mansell overall. He's one of my favorite film composers. Death is the Road to Awe is also one of my favorite pieces by him and a recent discovery. It helps me focus while writing business plans because it is quite cinematic, especially towards the end. I always imagine the trailer for the film I'm working on using the last minute or so of this piece.

(3) "Love the Way You Lie" (Eminem, feat. Rihanna) - Another recent discovery. It is really quite an interesting and intense song. I think what it is trying to communicate - painting the picture of an abusive relationship - is very powerful and really important that awareness of the subject is being raised. Also Eminem and Rihanna did a great job together.

(4) "Homesick" (Kings of Convenience) - I was feeling homesick for the Hudson Valley (which is what I sort of consider my home) and this somehow captured what I was feeling at the time. It's not the lyrics...I think it is more of the melody. Anyways, quite beautiful.

(5) "In Between" (Wouter Hamel) - Great vocals, jazzy...just overall fantastic.

(6) "To be Alone with You" (Sufjan Stevens) - Really love the lyrics, and I feel it is both romantic and a little sad. Although I've heard it is actually about Jesus...in any case, it is still beautiful and I'm trying to learn how to play it on my guitar.

(7) "Alejandro" (Lady GaGa) - Really, who doesn't love Lady GaGa at some level? I actually think she's really talented (I saw a video of her performing an acoustic version of Poker Face on YouTube...holy hell, man, the girl can sing and play the piano!) and I like that she's very vocal about what she stands for but in a good way (I saw her response to some hate protesters at one of her concerts in a very admirable way by asking her fans not to pay attention to those comments...check it out here). And while her music is pop-like, it is quite catchy and Alejandro is a great song to jive to while you're driving. :D Incidentally, I use "Bad Romance" as my wake-up alarm. It's great!

(8) "No Moon" (Elle Lefant) - I actually know the guys in this band. They went to college with me. Nijae was in a short play I directed sophomore year, Max is an acquaintance of mine (met through mutual friends). They're actually quite good! "No Moon" is my favorite of their songs, but I also like "Pulse" and "Runaways". You can listen to their music here.

(9) "Chicago" (Sufjan Stevens) - Yes, another selection from Sufjan Stevens. Not my fault he's good. There's also the fact that N got me into him lately. I can actually play "Chicago" on the guitar.

(10) "Breathe" (Alexi Murdoch) - Up until I got out of the funk, I listened to this one a lot because I felt it sort of captured the feeling of entrapment and the emotional overload that I had sort of been feeling before. I listened to it when I needed to remind myself that I need to remember to breathe and take things slowly as they come and not get overwhelmed.

Didgeridoo and Tibetan Singing Bowls (Music for Deep Meditation) is great music for deep mediation. Playing it in a room that has a nice echo in it makes it even more powerful. It is very relaxing but also allows you to focus on whatever you want to meditate on. I think that's key because a lot of the time you relax with the music but then can't really keep your focus on something and you fall asleep.


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